Sunday, December 23, 2007

Kari, where are you!?!

Okay, so I'm not only slow but stupid! I apparently don't know anything about blogging or computers, so this is not fun for me yet! Maybe my kids are right, I am getting old. My body seems to agree! But, I wanted to put our there that I want to wish you all a merry Christmas and a hopefully great new year! I know that I could certainly use one! This last one was a doozy.

When I figure out how to put my pictures on this stupid thing, I'll write more!


Daniel, Kari and Co. said...

yea, Amy! That's a good start! I'm still trying to remember your password - I have some pictures that I would be happy to post for you!

Gwen said...

Uhhh, did you forget that you have a blogger friend that lives much closer to you than South Dakota!!! If Kari's too busy to pay you a visit, then I could probably come on over and help you out :)
And I'm wishing for 2008 to be a much better year for you than last!!!!! I'm sure it will be!!!

Perpetual Mommy Exhaustion said...

It took me a while to figure out how to do pictures too. Feel not so silly, says I! Thanks for being so nice to Jake on Sunday. I hope he likes primary soon!